Advisory Groups

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has eleven members and meets at least four times a year.

Dr. Dwora Stein, Chairwoman
Dr. Ariel Muzicant, 1. Deputy Chairman
Mag. Christian Kircher, 2. Deputy Chairman
Dr. Kurt Gollowitzer
Mag. Bettina Leidl
Dr. Lilly Sucharipa
Claudia Prutscher
Dr. Peter Maier 

Members of the work council:
Claudia Lauppert
Tom Juncker, MA


Advisory Council

The Advisory Council Council - a scientific committee composed of personalities from the fields of Jewish studies, contemporary history, museology and art history- supports the work of the Museum and serves as a sounding board for future strategies as well as providing recommendations for its conceptual orientation. The Advisory Council consists of six members and meets twice a year. The members take part on a voluntary basis.

Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
Chief curator of the new permanent exhibition in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland
Univ.-Professor Performance Studies, New York University
Visiting professor for Hebrew and Judaic studies, New York University

Dr. Doron Rabinovici
Author and historian

Prof. DDr. Oliver Rathkolb
Institute for Contemporary History, University of Vienna, Head of the institute
Head of the adivisory council of the House of European History, of the European Parliament/Brussels

Dr. Emile Schrijver
General director Jewish Cultural Quarter Amsterdam

Prof. Mag. Mechtild Widrich, PhD
Professor, Art History, Theory, and Criticism , School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Founding member of the Art and Architecture History Assembly (AAHA)
Co-conception of the Installation of Remembrance/Nancy Spero in the Jewish Museum Vienna, 1996

Dr. Mirjam Zadoff
Director NS-Dokumentationszentrum Munich

Dr. Jonathan Fine
Director General KHM Museumsverband